Monday, July 4, 2011

Security Measures

Task 1

Check the guide to biometric technology on the bbc site:

and brifly summarise in 30-40 words what biometrics is.

Task 2

Choose 3 of the measures listed, research them on the internet and write a short description of how they work and what they are used for.

surveillance cameras

sniffer dogs

security patrols

x-ray machines

full-body scanners




  1. Surveillance cameras : Cameras that record and monitors all happening at the airport 24/7.

    Sniffer dogs : trainers dogs used to sniff drugs , weapons and bombs.

    Security patrols : A group of security guards walk around and moniter the area.

  2. Surveillance cameras= Cameras that record and save every thing at the airport 24/7

    Sniffer dogs= dogs that are trained to smell the drugs,wepons,bamb and lots of things that are not allwoeded

    full-body scanners= its like an x-ray that shows all the things that the passenger hiding

    x-ray machines= that see through bags for drugs,wepons,bambs and lots of things that are not allwoeded

  3. *x-ray machines:it can see through things and reproduce an image.use it at the airport to see what is inside the bag.

    *sniffer dogs:trained dogs to sniff for drugs bombs, weapons.

    *full-body scanners:a device that can look through clothes to delect prohibited.

  4. x-ray machines : to see what is inside the bag .

    sniffer dogs : train dogs to sniff ,drugs , weapons , bombs.

    security patrols : a group of security gruads walk around and monitor the area.

    surveillance cameras : a system that uses cameras to monitor and record the activities 24/7.

  5. Surveillance cameras : Cameras that record and monitors all what happen at the airport 24/7.

    Security patrols : A group of security guards walk around and monitor the area.

    Sniffer dogs : dogs to sniff ,drugs , weapons , bombs by train.

  6. sniffer dogs
    is a dog that is trained to and works at using its senses to detect substances such as explosives, illegal drugs, or blood

    security patrols
    a group of security guards who walk around and monitor the area

    x-ray machines
    is a device use to see what is inside the bag

  7. ..

    Surveillance Cameras:
    Video cameras connected to a recording device and watched by a security guard.

    X-Ray Machines:
    Used to screen objects non-invasively & to detect radiation after passing through the baggage.

    Full-Body Scanners:
    a device that creates an image off the body on which one can see some types of objects hidden under the clothes.

  8. 1-siniffer dogs
    dogs that are specially to detect explosives drugs.
    2-x-ray machine
    a machine that can look through the contents of a bg for dangerous or suspicious looking items.

    3- security patrol
    security personnel that walk and monitor an area

  9. Surveillance cameras : system that using camera to monitor an area 24\7 .

    Sniffer dogs :dogs that are specially trained to sniff drugs , bomb and weapons .

    Security patrols : A group of security guards who walk around and monitor the area.

  10. surveillance camera
    system of using cameras to monitor an area
    sniffer dogs
    dogs that are specially trained to detect explosive, durgs
    security patrols
    security personnel that walk and monitor an area
    x-ray machines
    is a device use to see what is inside the bag
    full-body scanners
    a device that creates an image off the body on which one can see some types of objects hidden under the clothes.
