Thursday, May 19, 2011

Revision Week 1


These are the questions that are important for you to be able to discuss. Write your answer for each one. Try to give good definitions, examples and expand on the topic with supporting information.

1. What is an airport?
2. What is a hub airport?
3. Kinds of airports.
4. Codes for airports and airlines.
5. What is an airline? Discuss also types of airlines.
6. What organisation is IATA?
7. What organisation is ICAO?
8. What is ICAO alphabet? Why is this kind of alphabet necessary? Give examples.

Thank you for your work this week. Have a nice weekend!



  1. • An airport = a place which landing and takeoff occurs and there are a lot of facilities for passengers.

    • A hub airport = a place inside airport which is the central operations of airline.

    • Kinds of airport: Domestic airport and feeder airport

    • Airport codes: three letters represent airport and given by IATA

    • Airlines codes: two alphanumeric represent airline and given by IATA

    • Airline: regulary path used for the movement of aircraft.
    Also a company that is provide air transport service for passenger and cargo.

    • International Air Transport Association, which is the head of air transportation

    • International Civil Aviation Organization, which is control the global civil aviation safety and security.

    • A word that is represent a letter,such as : A (Alpha), B(Bravo) ,C(Charlie)
    and D(Delta)

  2. ~an airport.a large place where planes take off and land consisting of runways and buildings for passengers called stations.

    ~a hub airport.a central airport that help people fly to from to make interntional or long-distance flights.

    ~kind of airport.there are two kinds of airport
    1.domestic airport~ it is a small airport people can travel inside the country.
    2.interntional airport~ it is a big airport have alot of facitiy and people an travel outside the country.

    ~airport code. three letters define airport and given by IATA.
    ~airline code. two alphanumeric define airline and given by IATA.

    ~an airline. air transport services for passengers and/or freight.

    ~IATA.International Air Transport Association.

    ~ICAO.International Civil Aviation Organisation.

    ~{ALPHA},{BRAVO},{CHARLIE},{DELTA},{ECHO},{FOXTROT},{GOLF} because this alphabet define each country.

  3. 1.What is an airport?

    Is a large place where plane takes off and lands . For example the Middle East airports such as DOH , BAH and DXB . Also it has many facilities like control tower and runway.

    2. What is a hub airport?

    Is an airport that an airline uses as transfer point to get passengers and cargo to their destination . Also some airlines may use a single hub, whereas other airlines use more than one hubs .

    3. Kinds of airports.

    1-International airport : connected with two or more nation , while people can travel outside their country for example : Doha international airport - Tunis international airport and Beirut international airport

    2- domestic airport : not international , within the country .
    Most of domestic airports in Canada and the United States

    4. Codes for airports and airlines.

    1-Airline codes : code consists two letters or alphanumeric given by IATA. For example “ AA “ American Airline and “ G9 “ Air Arabia .

    2-Airport codes : always consists three letters given by IATA . For example : “ DOH” Qatar International Airport and “ DXB” Dubai International Airport .

    5. What is an airline? Discuss also types of airlines.

    Company which provide regular flights for people and cargo in airplane .
    - An air-freighter company : an airline which carries good .
    - Low-cost carrier : low cost airline which offers cheap tickets .

    6. What organisation is IATA?

    International Air Transfer Association .

    7. What organisation is ICAO?

    International civil aviation organisation .

    8. What is ICAO alphabet? Why is this kind of alphabet necessary? Give examples.

    - Code word to the letters of the English Alphabet .
    For example : (Alfa for A, Bravo for B, Charlie for C , ..etc )

    ,but i don't know why it's necessary ......

  4. 1.What is an airport?
    A large facility where plane take off and land.

    2. What is a hub airport?
    A central airport that passengers can fly to from smaller local airport in Oder to make international or long-distances.

    3. Kinds of airports.
    1.domestic airport- airport operating flights within the country. airport- airport operating flights outside of the country.

    4. Codes for airports and airlines.
    Airport -3 letters represent to the airport and given by IATA
    Airline – 2 letters was represent airline and given by IATA

    5 What is an airline? Discuss also types of airlines.
    Airline transport the passenger and cargo in airplane .
    There are An air-freighter and - Low-cost carrier

    6. What organisation is IATA?
    -IATA-International Air Transport Association.

    7. What organisation is ICAO?
    ICAO -International Civil Aviation Organization.

    8. What is ICAO alphabet? Whyis this kind of alphabetnecessary? Give examples.

    For example: letter A for Alpha, B for bravo..
    But I don’t know why we need it and why is necessary..

  5. - aplace where aircraft can take off and land

    - airline use a hub and spoke modle to transport passenger and cargo between cities and before arriving at a final destination aplane stop in a hub airport

    -domistic - international- regional

    -airport code:contain of 3 letters given by IATA to identify airport while airline code contain of 2 letters to identify airline

    -passenger airline - an air-fright company

    - international air transport association

    -international civil avation organization

  6. 1. What is an airport?a place where airplane take off or land.

    2. What is a hub airport?the central airport chosen by a particular airline, and used to transfer passengers and freight onward to other destinations.

    3. Kinds of airports:domestic -international -regional

    4. Codes for airports and airlines:contain of 3 letters by IATA identify airport and the airline contain by 2 letters to identify airline.

    5. What is an airline? a company that provides air transport servies for passenges or freight.

    6. What organisation is IATA?international air transport association

    7. What organisation is ICAO?international civil aviation organization .

    8. What is ICAO alphabet? Why is this kind of alphabet necessary? Give examples.
    a united nations agency concerned with civil aviation,ICAO made machine-readable passp[rts the standard worldwide.

  7. 1- It is a large place where the passengers go to travel to other countries, also it has facilities for take off and land.

    2- An airport used as a transfer point to get passengers and cargo to the place they want to go.

    3- There are two kinds for airport :

    A) Domestic : an airport where passengers travel inside the country.

    B) International: an airport where passengers travel outside the country.

    4- Airport code :A small code, containe of 3 letters represent given by IATA, while Airline code : containe of 2 letters and sometimes one letter with one number and also it given by IATA .

    5- company which transfer passengers and cargo in air, such as low cost carrier and air freighter company.

    6- International Air Transport Association.

    7- International Civil Aviation Organizition.

    8-It is code word wiche containe of 3 letters. The reason of creat alphapet is to make it easy for people and to Know identify a specific airport. For instance, Hotel for H, India for I, Kilo for K.

  8. 1_An airport :-a place which landing and takeoff occurs and there are a lot of facilities for passengers.

    2_ What is a hub airport?
    A central airport that passengers can fly to from smaller local airport in Oder to make international or long-distances.

    3_ Kinds of airports?
    1.domestic airport- airport operating flights within the country and international airport- airport operating flights outside of the country

    4- Codes for airports and airlines.
    Airport -3 letters represent to the airport and given by IATA
    Airline – 2 letters was represent airline and given by IATA

    6:- IATA.International Air Transport Association.

    7:- ICAO.International Civil Aviation Organisation

    8- A word that is represent a letter A (Alpha) B(Bravo) C(Charlie)
    and D(Delta)
