Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Revision Book 1


Here are the revision questions.

1. Airline and airport codes.

2. What is an airport? What is a hub? What is a primary hub? What is a secondary hub?

3. Kinds of airports.

4. Important organisations: ICAO, IATA, CAA.

5. What is an airline? Types of airlines.

6. Facilities of an airport:
Landside facilities: parking facilities, ground transportation, drop off / pick up areas
Terminal: departure area, arrival area, concourses, gates
Airside facilities: runway, taxiway, ramp/apron, control tower, maintenance facilities

7. The airline as an airport customer. Facilities and servcies that an airport provides for both the passenger and air-freight companies.

8. The passenger as an airport customer. Facilities and services that an airport provides for the passengers.

9. Airport project - a summary.

1o. Airport ownership.

12. Airport design.

13. What makes a 5-star airport? Discuss facilities and services that a 5-star airport needs to provide for its customers to bring a positive experience. Give examples.

Post your comments, provide advice and make suggestions to other students' posts.

Regards, RV

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